petak, 19. kolovoza 2016.

List of 10 superfoods for healthy life

Many superfoods are readily available which means they can conveniently included as part of your regular grocery shop. So next time you're doing your errands keep an eye out for these amazing superfoods.

Goji Berries:
Goji berries are a high level antioxidant food which contain 500 x more vitamin C by weight than oranges. They contain 21 trace minerals including iron and calcium which aids in fighting against fatigue and the loss of bone mineral density.

Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and are reputed, among other things, to strengthen the immune system. They provide a good amount of protein with 18 amino acids and the B1, B2 and B6 vitamins can aslo help keep you energised throughout the day.

Coconut oil:
Once considered ‘unhealthy’, coconut oil is now the hottest superfood around. Coconut oil does contain saturated fat (a fat that may be detrimental to your health) however, more than half the saturated fat is lauric acid. Lauric acid converts into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoa properties.

Coconut oil is about 60% medium chain fatty acids which in turn can be converted into energy, help with digestion, lower cholesterol and stimulate the body’s metabolism which can then lead to weight loss. Studies have also shown coconut oil can improve heart health and diabetes. Coconut oil is also regarded a great beauty product that can be useful as a moisturiser, eye lash conditioner and hair serum.

Chia seeds:
These seeds may be small but don’t let size fool you. They contain:

    5 x more calcium than milk
    7 x more vitamin C than oranges
    3 x more iron than spinach
    8 x more Omega-3 than salmon

Chia helps with weight loss and is packed with protein which keeps a person fuller for longer. They bind to bile salts in the body then the fibre content helps fat to be excreted. When coming into contact with liquid, chia seeds become gelatinous and this helps to cleanse the colon which prevents cancers from forming. Chia seeds normalise blood sugar and are very antioxidant rich which helps strengthen the immune system. They can be added to salads, cereal, stir-frys, yoghurt or even put into a glass of water. There is no nutritional difference between white and black chia seeds.

Kale is a member of the cabbage family. It is great source of beta carotene, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron and potassium. A serving of 1 cup cooked Kale contains over a day’s supply of vitamin A (as beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body).

Kale should be cooked quickly in minimal water to preserve its nutrients or eaten raw. Kale is an autumn vegetable which means it’s perfect to add into your diet at this time of the year!

Pomegranates are an apple-sized fruit which in old French means ‘seeded apple’. It is either consumed as juice or eating the seeds as they are. One pomegranate contains about 500mg more potassium than in most oranges. They are also rich in vitamin C and fibre.

Research has shown the anti-oxidant capacity of pomegranates equates to 2 or 3 times more than equal amounts of red wine or green tea. Pomegranates have also been shown to have a significant effect on overall heart health. Pomegranate seeds also make nice garnishes!

Fish provide a number of health benefits and is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids particularly salmon. Research has shown that people who eat fish are less likely to die from heart disease as opposed to people who do not include fish into their diets. When buying salmon, look for a rich deep colour red/orange as it generally provides more Omega-3 fatty acids.

Walnuts are rich in vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, minerals and dietry fibre and contain an excellent antioxidant compound called ellagic acid. Nuts in general provide a good source of amino acids and are especially important in a vegetarian diet.

Blueberries are a natural healer. They contain anthocyanins and flavonoids that have been shown to help combat the signs of ageing. Blueberries are naturally sweet which make them a great healthy edition to a dessert. They are also quite high in vitamin c and an ideal low-kilojoule fruit.

Garlic can be likened to an edible antibiotic. Garlic containscompounds that act as very powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial agents. Recent studies have shown garlic being linked to reducing blood pressure and also helping to reduce cholesterol. For many years people have been using garlic to treat the common cold, nasal congestion and upper respiratory tract infections. Consuming an average of six or more cloves a week may even lower the risk of colorectal and stomach cancers by 30 and 50 per cent respectively. It is enjoyed by most people in foods and adds beautiful flavour!


One of the most studied and nutritious vegetables available are broccoli. Broccoli has generous amounts of essential vitamin, minerals and bioflavonoids including quercetin and other phytochemicals that protect our cells from mutation which may lead to cancer.

1 cup of cooked broccoli contains 100% of our recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin c, and one third RDI for folate. It also provides us with beta carotene and iron which helps fight against eye diseases and fatigue. 


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