nedjelja, 20. studenoga 2016.

Health benefits of sex and love

Besides putting a spring in your step, romance can bring some positive health benefits.

Some scientific studies suggest that a loving relationship, physical touch and sex can bring health benefits such as lower blood pressure. Of course, no relationship can guarantee health and happiness, but cupid's arrow can send you some health boosts.

Sex is good for your heart

Want to get healthy and have fun at the same time? Anything that exercises your heart is good for you, including sex.

Sexual arousal sends the heart rate higher, and the number of beats per minute reaches its peak during orgasm. But as with most exercise, it depends how vigorously you do it. Some studies show that the average peak heart rate at orgasm is the same as during light exercise, such as walking upstairs. That's not enough to keep most people fit and healthy.

It's recommended adults do at least 150 minutes (two-and-a-half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as cycling or fast walking, every week.

Unless you're lucky enough to have 150 minutes of orgasms a week, try cycling, brisk walking or dancing.

    Embracing someone special can lower blood pressure, according to researchers.

Having heart disease doesn't have to hold you back in the bedroom. Experts advise that you can usually have sex as long as you can do the everyday activities that have the same impact on your heart without causing chest pain, such as walking up two flights of stairs.

A hug keeps tension away

Embracing someone special can lower blood pressure, according to researchers. In one experiment, couples who held each other's hands for 10 minutes followed by a 20-second hug had healthier reactions to subsequent stress, such as public speaking. Compared to couples who rested quietly without touching, the huggers had:

    lower heart rate
    lower blood pressure
    smaller heart rate increases.

So give your partner a hug - it may help to keep your blood pressure healthy.

Sex can be a stress buster

Workload too high? Hot and bothered after the morning commute to work? Sex could help you beat the stresses of 21st century living, according to a small study of 46 men and women.

Participants kept a diary of sexual activity, recording penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex and masturbation. In stress tests, including public speaking and doing mental arithmetic out loud, the people who had no sex at all had the highest stress levels. People who only had penetrative sex had the smallest rise in blood pressure (this shows that they coped better with stress).

Plenty of people find that intimacy or orgasm without penetration helps them feel relaxed, as does exercise or meditation. It doesn't have to be penetrative sex; it's whatever works for you.

Source: healthdirect

petak, 11. studenoga 2016.

Determine Whether You Have This Evolutionary Tendon

 Bring Your Pinky And Thumb Together. If The Tendon Raises Here's What It Reveals

Evolution is a topic that we have been discussing since Charles Darwin shared his theory with us back in the 1800s. It is a fascinating study that dives us deeper into scientific research of how we are all connected somehow to one another. Our entire makeup is built around traits and features that have been passed down for generations from our ancestors. In fact, a body trait that you have could be enlightening to how you're connected.

Knowing where we come from and who our ancestors are is a common interest a lot of us share. Now with being able to trace back our ancestral roots, practically anyone can figure out their genealogy makeup. Yet, most don't know you can even take it one step further, and trace your history back to evolutionary times. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, all living creatures are related by descent from common ancestors.

Since our body traits can be passed down from our ancestors, you could have the same feature too. What's even more fascinating, is that proof that evolution is real, is something that we can verify by just looking at our arms. Determining whether you have a particular tendon or not, could open the door to your past and answer your evolutionary questions.

An ancient muscle, called the palmaris longus, is used to help apes jump from tree to tree and from branch to branch. Since the ape era, we have evolved to where we may not need this tendon to jump from tree branch to tree branch anymore, but we still may have a trace of its existence in our own arm. Through our hereditary however, the tendon could also be non-existent, according to Cameron University.

If you want to see if you have this ancestral tendon, all you have to do is lay your forearm flat on a table, keeping your palms facing up towards the ceiling. Next, touch your pinky to your thumb while lifting your hand slightly off of the table surface. Do you see a raised part in the middle of your wrist? If you can see it, then you still have this ancestral tendon. If you don't see it, then your ancestral line has evolved.

It's pretty neat if you do have this tendon, because that physically links you to your ancestors. We're not just talking about your ancestors from centuries ago, but more from the caveman days. If you don't have the tendon, there is nothing wrong with that. Since we don't use the tendon anymore in the ways our ancestors did, this tendon will most likely phase out eventually, through future family bloodlines.

Source: healtheternally

četvrtak, 10. studenoga 2016.

Alkaline Water To Purify and Protect Your Body From Toxins (Recipe)

Our body creates an acidic environment, for which our immune system becomes weaker.That happens because we are not always able to consume only healthy foods and a balanced diet.

The acidity or alkalinity is determined based on the pH factor and everything below 7 is considered dangerous to human health. For acidic environment is considered one that has a pH below 7, while everything over 7, it is considered as an alkaline environment.

The pH which we seep into the body is extremely important because of the consequences it has on the state of the organism, so you should try to spring it only with the best.

Because there are not always opportunity for that, here is alkaline water recipe, which is a real blessing and can be of a great help for you to remove all the toxins from the body and prevent cancer.

Here’s how you can do by yourself this elixir of health in a very simple way!


    8 cups bottled water
    one lemon (preferably organic)
    1 teaspoon Himalayan salt


1.Simply take a clean glass jar and fill with water. Add lemon that you have previously cut and squeezed. If you do not use organic lemon, remove the rind.

2.Then add the salt, close the jar and allow the contents to stand for about 12 hours at room temperature.


In the morning on an empty stomach drink 3 glasses of alkaline water. With this start of the day, your body will be both grateful and it is impossible not to notice the positive effect.


srijeda, 9. studenoga 2016.

How to Boost Energy Levels

Fatigue and low energy levels are two of the most common problems faced by people of all ages.[1] Low energy levels can make it difficult to be productive at work or to engage in everyday activities. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to increase your energy levels. Eating the right types of food, exercising properly, getting enough rest, and controlling your stressors can help give you more energy to enjoy your day and get back to doing the things you love.

Changing Your Diet to Boost Your Energy

Give your body more protein.
Even if you're eating enough food every day, it's possible you're not eating the right kinds of food. Dietary deficiencies are one of the most common causes of low energy levels, and protein in particular plays a big part in your daily energy levels.

    Protein is essential for increased energy levels. But not all protein is good protein. Some meats, for example, are high in protein but also come with high sodium or saturated fat levels.    Medical professionals recommend that adults consume at least eight grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight (or 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight) every day.    Optimal sources of heart-healthy protein include salmon, eggs, and legumes like beans, lentils, and tofu.

Choose slow-burning starches
. Starches and carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide us with energy to complete all manner of activities, from running to breathing. But there are good carbs and bad carbs, and if you're feeling fatigued it's important to choose healthy carbohydrates that will help fuel your body throughout the day.
    Eat four to eleven servings of grains each day, and opt for whole grain foods instead of processed or refined grains.    Whole grain or wholemeal sources of starch and carbohydrates release energy gradually throughout the day, helping you feel more energetic. Choose whole grain, complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbs, which can cause an energy crash shortly after eating.    Some sources of energy-boosting, complex carbohydrates include vegetables, legumes, and whole grains like bran and germ.    Choose breads and pastas made from whole grain whenever possible.

Select good sources of fats.
Fats act as a source of energy as your body begins to run low on carbohydrates. Your body needs some dietary sources of fat, but it's important to choose the right kinds of fat.

    The four basic forms of fats are monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, saturated fats, and trans fatty acids. Of these, saturated fats and trans fats are the worst fats.    Choose a diet high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids for more energy and a healthier heart.    Some heart-healthy sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats include seafood, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil, and flaxseed oil.    Nuts that provide healthy fatty acids include macadamias, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, and Brazil nuts.

Eat more raw fruits and vegetables
. Fruits and vegetables provide you with vitamins and minerals that your body needs to feel full and energetic throughout the day.
    Eat at least five servings of vegetables each day and two to four servings of fresh fruit.    Aim for fruits and vegetables that are low on the glycemic index (GI). High-GI foods cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which typically causes a subsequent energy crash. Low-GI foods enter the blood more slowly and can help avoid energy crashes.    Examples of low-GI foods include non-tropical fruits, sweet potato, corn, yam, beans/legumes, and non-starchy vegetables like carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, and squash.    Select vegetables for daily consumption that are leafy and dark green. Green and leafy vegetables are packed with vitamins and nutrients.

Drink plenty of water
. Inadequate water consumption can lead to dehydration, which causes fatigue and feelings of low-energy. Help fight fatigue by staying hydrated throughout the day.

    Experts recommend drinking nine to twelve glasses of water each day to stay properly hydrated. That total includes water you consume through juice, coffee, tea, and dietary sources of water like fruits and vegetables.    If you're engaging in strenuous physical activity, or if you are in a hot environment, you will need to drink even more water to stay properly hydrated.    Avoid sugary sodas and beverages.    Avoid drinking too much caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which can cause you to lose a considerable amount of water.
Avoid sugar.
Sugar gives consumers a temporary burst of energy (known as a sugar rush), but these effects wear off quickly. Once the sugar rush ends, most people feel tired and sluggish.
    Don't eat candy, sweets, soda, or any other food products with added sugar, as these will only make you more tired as the day goes on.



We often hear about celebrities going under the knife to look better. Some go for nose jobs while others get their lips done. However, these surgeries are way too expensive for the common man. Moreover, if you do not get it done from an expert, the chances are that the surgery might go wrong, and you might be left with a hideous nose. Not to mention, it may cause further complications as well.

But, there are many girls who are not happy with the shape and size of their nose; especially if they have a broad and big nose. They feel that it mars their beauty. So, what should they do if they wish to make their nose smaller but cannot afford to get such a costly surgery done?

Home remedies have a solution for almost each and every problem. The question is, is there any home remedy that can help in solving this problem too?

Well, yes. You need not spend a lot of money for it, and the best part is it does not cause pain at all. Here is a list of things required:

    1 teaspoon toothpaste
    1 teaspoon freshly ground ginger
    1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar


    Mix the ingredients in a bowl to make a thick paste.
    Now, take a brush and apply a little amount of this mixture on your nose.
    Leave it on for half an hour.
    After half an hour, rinse your face with cold water. You can also use apple cider vinegar to clean your nose. Wash it with cold water later.
    Apply this to your nose every day until you get the desired results. You will notice the difference within 10 days.

Initially, you might feel a burning sensation on your nose. However, if it is burning a lot, wash it off and reduce the amount of ginger in the mixture. Here is a video tutorial for the same:

Source: bookforhealthyfood

utorak, 8. studenoga 2016.

Dont Eat these 10 Foods before Going to Sleep

1 Pasta:
Do you love pasta? Sorry!!! This is absolutely a “No-No” dinner food. Well, no doubt it is easy to cook and it is very filling. But pasta is a storehouse of carbohydrates. And, pasta cooking is done with lots of cheese and oil. So ultimately it turns into fats when you go to bed. So stay away from it.

2 Pizza:
Just like pasta, many of us love pizza also. In today’s fast paced world, the youngsters, the young married couples, children or working professionals, will not hesitate to have one or two big pieces of juice pizza as their dinner. Dial a Pizza delivery number and get it delivered at your doorstop. You don’t have to cook. So lucky, aren’t you? But, while you will relish that piece of pizza, you won’t believe what harm it does to your body. Very greasy and cheesy, with the ingredients having high levels of acidity, your digestive system finds it difficult to break it down. Result: you have a bloated stomach, you feel uneasy while sleeping and in due course of time, fat accumulates in the body.

3 Candy:
Well, studies have also shown that eating candy before going to bed is bad. Eating any sugary products leads to fats built up in your body. Infact, Some says that candy eating before bed time has an impact on your brain waves and they can lead to nightmares. So, for a relaxing night, don’t eat candies before bed time.

4 Red Meat:
Red meat, whether dry fried or gravy, is always yummy. It is storehouse of proteins and iron. But then, if you have it just before bed time, it will do more harm than good to your body. It will prevent you from a deep, relaxing and refreshing sleep.

5 Dark Chocolate:
Doctors have always considered dark chocolate to be good for your brain and memory. But there is no doubt that it is a high-calorie food. So eating dark chocolates before bedtime is a big “No”. A small or a big piece of chocolate may work as a dessert for you, but being rich in caffeine and other stimulants, it will make you more active, putting your mind to work, rather than allowing you to have a peaceful night.

6 Some Vegetables:
Well, you must be wondering, how can vegetables be bad for health if taken during bedtime? No doubt, vegetables are delicious and nutritious. But, certain vegetables like onions, broccoli or cabbage include high amounts of insoluble fiber in them. Consuming such vegetables at night make you feel full for a long time and they cause excessive flatulence. Your digestive system cannot process these vegetables at night when you sleep. So avoid taking these vegetables.

7 Alcohol of any Kind:
You had a wonderful time at your friend’s party. You drank and danced. But then, did you realize that you had consumed a sleep killer. Drinking alcohol before bed reduces your night sleep as it causes night sweats, making you wake up repeatedly. And it is very high in calories as well.

8 Cheeseburgers:
 Just like pasta, pizza, cheeseburgers are also high calorie, fatty foods. You should avoid taking them during dinner time. They increase the natural production of acid in the stomach. You suffer from heartburn during the night.

9 Chilly Sauce:
Chilly is healthy when taken with other ingredients. But if you plan to go to bed soon, then say a big “NO” to chilly sauce. Chilly sauce is filled with proteins and slow-burning carbohydrates and it is a high-calorie food.

10 Snacks and Chips:
Not only during bed time, even at all other times, you should avoid taking processed foods like snacks and chips. These are high calorie foods which contain monosodium glutamate in high amounts. They are linked to sleep disorders as well.

Source: weightlossol

Remove The White Patches On Your Skin – Medical Name “Vitiligo”

People often feel embarrassed and with low confidence, the reasons for its appearance are not known.The medical name for white patches is vitiligo which can appear on different body parts. Experts believe it can be because of an automotive disorder where the immune system attacks the melanin-producing cells, also genetic predisposition, overexposure to sun rays, excessive stress, vitamin B12 deficiency, superficial fungal infections which include tinea versicolor, psoriasis, eczema.

There are natural remedies which let you improve this skin condition, but before applying any of these natural remedies, consult your doctor.

– Ginger:

It improves blood circulation and helps with melanin production. Cut a couple of slices of fresh ginger and apply your skin leaving it until it dries. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day for a couple of weeks. Or, extract the juice from a bigger ginger root and mix it with fresh mint leaves drinking it every day for a few weeks.

– Ginkgo Bilboa:

It has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties which can reduce the progress of this disease and can induce repigmentation. Take 40-80 mg three times a day, but consult your doctor to determine the dosage.

– Apple cider vinegar:

Its properties destroy the fungi which cause the white patches. It also helps in low stomach acid connected to vitiligo. Mix water and apple cedar vinegar in equal amounts and apply on the affected skin 2 times a day for a month, or drink one glass of water with 1 tbsp. of ACV vinegar every day before your meals.
Moreover, you must pay attention to your diet avoiding berries which work like a natural depigmentation agent but include foods rich with vitamin B12 such as spinach, cabbage, dried beans, dried figs, walnuts, chickpeas, and also foods rich in folic acid and zinc. Stay away from red meat and seafood.

– Turmeric:

If mixed with mustard oil it can be very beneficial and effective. Mix 5 tsp of the powder with 250 ml/1 cups of mustard oil and apply it on the discolored area repeating this 2 times a day for a year, or make a paste of turmeric powder and neem leaves applying it on the skin area which is affected.
Neem – when it is being consumed it works as a blood cleaner and immune booster. Mix crushed neem leaves and buttermilk to make a paste and apply on the white patches leaving it until it dries completely and then wash it off, repeating this for couple of weeks; apply neem oil on the affected skin every day after diluting it, or mix it with 1 tsp of coconut oil, or some other oil and then apply and you can as well drink neem juice each day for couple of months, or eat 4 neem leaves before meals 3 times a day.

Babchi/Psoralea cory-li-folia – soak the seeds in ginger juice for 3 days replacing the juice every day. Remove the husks by rubbing them between your hands, dry them in the sun and then grind them to a fine powder, take 1 gr od 1/5 of a tsp. with a glass of milk every day for 40 days; or apply baby chi oil on the affected skin area exposing it to sunlight for 15 minutes (start with a short duration of sun exposure to see if the response is favorable), you can combine it with black seed oil.
Red clay – it contains a lot of copper which is able to restore skin pigment. Mix ginger juice and red clay in equal ratio and apply it to the affected area. Leave it to completely dry and then wash it off repeating this procedure for a couple of months.

– Radish seeds:

Grind 25 grams of the seeds into a fine powder and mix it with 2 tsp of vinegar to make a paste. Apply it to the affected area for 20-30 minutes and rinse only with lukewarm water. Repeat this every day for a few months.

– Copper:

It is needed for melanin production. Take a copper vessel, pour water in it and let it stay overnight at a room temperature and drink it on an empty stomach each morning, as the vessel will release copper ions which aid the production of melanin.

– Coconut oil:

It promotes re-pigmentation of the skin as it soothes and heals chronic inflammation. I t also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Put some oil on the affected area of your skin 2-3 times a day and repeat the procedure for a couple of weeks.
Source: bookforhealthyfood

Secret to get long and strong hair in one month!

1. Make Tea from Curry Leaves for your hair.

 Boil some curry leaves in water, squeeze a lime and add some sugar to it. Drink this tea daily for 1 week this will increase hair growth, make your hair smooth, shiny and prevent white hairs. Intake of curry leaves is good for the digestive system too and it resolves many hair problems.

2. Make a Hair Mask for your hair to prevent hair loss.

Take some curry leaves and make a paste of them. Mix this paste with yogurt and massage it on your hair. Keep this mixture on your scalp for about 25 minutes and then wash off with a soft shampoo. Apply this mask every week consistently to see instant results in terms of hair growth. Not only that this will help your hair to look shiny, smooth and bouncy.

3. Make a Hair tonic to prevent hair loss

Take few curry leaves and some coconut oil in a bowl. When it mixed with curry leaves, it increases hair growth. Boil these two together until you see black deposit forming. After the deposit is formed, apply it all over your scalp after it becomes cool . Keep this mixture for one hour and then wash off with a soft shampoo. Apply this tonic twice a week and ll see the result in just fifteen days. This oil will not only stimulates hair growth but also prevents the white of hair. This is the best way for healthy hair and for hair growth.
Source: weightlossol