subota, 14. svibnja 2016.

Why I will vote for Donald Trump

If your response is going to be anything related to ‘no one cares what you think’ stop reading now and go elsewhere. You’re coming here either interested in why, or to add to your list of reasons you don’t like me. I’m ok with both.

I’ve known Mr. Trump for a little over a decade. Our first encounter, and subsequent encounters, had to do with his request for me to appear on the apprentice.

We spoke at length every time we got together.

I realized very quickly this was a man decisive in action and confident in his ability.

I also realized that regardless of his net worth, he worked his ass off. He didn’t have time for 8 hours sleep each night, too much to be done.

So why will I vote for him? Here’s a few reasons why and none of them pertains to me just not wanting to vote for someone else.
    I trust him. I don’t agree with him on many things, that’s cool. I also know that there is and never will be a candidate anywhere that I will agree with on everything. That candidate doesn’t exist. If you say it does I think that makes you a sheep, someone afraid to have or voice an original, albeit unpopular, opinion at times.
    While I don’t agree with him there are two incredibly important things he possesses that neither candidate on the Soviet ticket do. He loves this country. You can laugh, you can mock, but you also are full of crap if the current administration has ever given you the confidence that they love this nation above all else. He will protect my family, and my loved ones. I say that because Mr Trump is where he is for one major reason. He’s been successful because he understands that surrounding yourself with smart people and listening to them, then parsing ideas and deciding, is how you win. Not all the time, but most of the time. When he says he will ‘make the military great’ he means “I’m going to create a group of men and women I trust to rebuild the worlds greatest armed forces and then insure that you and your family are protected BEFORE looking out for the interests of others”.
    I firmly believe that to know the real heart and soul of a man you look at his children. Who are they, what are they, and how do they act. I’ve never, even for a second, heard his children speak with anything but respect, courtesy, integrity and confidence. While you may think they are ‘spoon fed’ rich kids, experience tells me they have busted their asses to make their own way and be their own people.

Let me also comment on you frauds in the liberal media.

Mr Trump doesn’t want to ‘ban all muslims’ from entering the nation. Mr Trump doesn’t want to ban mexican immigrants from coming here.

No, Mr Trump wants to halt, dismantle and rebuild a horrifically corrupt, broken and useless immigration system. This current administration has made no bones about ‘disarming’ both our border patrol and our first responders in a rush to make sure everyone, even criminals, don’t have their rights infringed on.

But your liberal agenda has you lying your asses off to a group of people too lazy to do the work on their own, to listen and decide on their own.

But you knew that, just like you know Hillary Clinton is as guilty as the day is long, and as responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans, including an ambassador she was sworn to protect.

What terrifies you now? I think it’s the fact people have decided to stop making you their ‘go to’ for news. You cannot be trusted anymore, you have openly talked down to and mocked the ‘common’ citizen that they’re finally standing up and telling you to pound sand.

Those that still listen and believe you, and the massive amount of misinformation you publish are the lazy sheep and apathetic folks who will pull a lever for the felon or the socialist come next election.

I do want Mr Trump to stop the name calling, I do want him to start being much more specific. But that’s just me and my opinion. I love that he gets it. What do I mean by that? I mean if you heard his initial tax proposal and recently heard his talk around changing that, you understand unlike the liar in chief, he gets that what’s going to happen is far too complicated to guarantee anything until you sit in the oval office. He won’t pander, and that alone sets him apart from 99% of the corrupt entrenched old white gov’t.

You’ve managed to elect people that want to shred the 2nd Amendment while being surrounded by an armed detail

You’ve managed to elect people who demanded a disaster of a health care system, while they themselves asked for, and received, exemptions from that very same broken down piece of junk.

You’ve managed to elect people who honest to God believe you can pass legislation that will make criminals NOT be criminals, and you BELIEVE that!

Your media went on a campaign to destroy a woman that absolutely loves this nation in Gov Palin. You have made people believe she actually said “I can see Russia from my house”.

    “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”

That’s what she said you frauds. You rant and rave about ‘racists’ commentary around the First Lady and their daughters yet you laughed, mocked and trivialized when the public embarrassed and tried to humiliate Bristol Palin.

You would honest to God have the public believe that one of the most evil, despicable corrupt lying phonies ever to walk this earth, should be the democratic nominee for the highest position in this land.

The ONLY reason I wanted to see Mrs Fiorina, or Mrs Palin, or Condolezza Rice involved was to finally have this nation see what a true woman who can lead looks and sounds like on the same stage.

You’ve made folks believe a woman who helped destroy the lives of the women her husband assaulted and was accused of rape by, is actually a champion of womens rights.

I’m with ya on the Trump issue around his commentary about women. I think it’s uncomfortable for me so I would imagine it is for women, but again i tell you, look at his daughter and decide if he actually knows how to treat women. His wife? His former wife? Any of them come out and complain?

You college folks in love with Mr Sanders, a man I think is too far left for election in the Soviet Union I will say this.

Do your homework. His love of the “Nordic Model” is understandable, who wouldn’t like free stuff.

Let me give you a hint about how that might work.

It CANNOT SCALE from a policy covering 6-10 million people to covering 300+ million people in a country with 19+ trillion in debt and the worlds largest defense budget.

It is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE.

I know it sounds great, hell free stuff always does but you seem to have forgotten one of life’s most endearing and true cliches.

    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

So rant and moan and whatever all you want, but the reasons I am voting for Mr Trump is easy.

I trust him when he says he will put this country above everything else as a priority in decision making

I trust him to create a team of military minds that will keep me safe

I trust him to destroy a corrupt and broken immigration system and remake it with one that works.

I trust that at every crucial point, when a decision has to be made, he will make the decision that’s best for our nation, and not the best for votes.

I trust him over a women who lied her ass off about ‘landing under fire’ only to have video footage of her lazily walking off of Marine One.

Stolen valor much?

I trust him to undo the massive damage created by the most divisive group of people in my lifetime, who have managed in 7+ short years to undo hundreds of years and thousands of lives worth of work.

So Mr Trump, all I ask is that you keep your promise to me, and to Americans, and put us above all else when you become the 45th President of the United States of American.

I’m proud my family served in so many ways  and so many wars that we can still have a process to elect a person to lead us.

God Bless you and God Bless the United States
source: 38pitches

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