srijeda, 25. svibnja 2016.

9 Foods To Lower Cholesterol

Reducing saturated fat is one of the most important changes you can make for cutting down cholesterol level in the blood. We have since always eaten saturated fats and you probably ask yourself why are they labeled as harmful for our health? – The liver uses saturated fats to create cholesterol which means that excessive consumption of saturated fats can increase cholesterol levels, particularly low-density lipoproteins (LDL) which is the bad cholesterol. These potentially harmful fats are found in foods from animal origin such whole fat milk, cream, butter, meat – lamb, beef, pork, cheese, etc. However, there are certain plant-based vegetable fats that are to be avoided, especially palm oil, coconut oil and vegetable shortening.

 The best fighter against saturated fats is fiber-rich food, particularly beans – any type. The healthiest thing about beans is that their composition is high in soluble fibers which are very good for lowering bad cholesterol. They form a gel in water that helps bind acids and cholesterol in the intestinal tract preventing their absorption into the body. Because of this trait, soluble fibers are also good in preventing heart diseases. They are sustained in oats, barley, rice, beans, apples, carrots and most of the fruits and vegetables.

Elevated cholesterol is one of the most common health problems today. Despite leaving the physical activity that indirectly helps its reduction, we remind you that food plays an important and perhaps a key role. Find out food that helps in lowering of cholesterol.

For dinner eat salmon, for snack eat small – handful amount of walnuts in the salad, add olive oil. Eat dark chocolate with more cocoa, and do not worry if this food helps in lowering of cholesterol. Here is a list of other food that is beneficial in case of problems with cholesterol.


Eat oats in breakfast. Oats helps reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol and 5.3% for a period of 6 weeks. This is due to a substance called beta glucan which absorbs bad cholesterol.

Red wine

This is another reason to drink a glass of red wine. Two glasses a week is ideal amount of red wine which can have beneficial effects for your health.

Salmon and other fatty fish

Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and is a great food that naturally improves health and helps prevent heart attack, stroke and high cholesterol. Other useful fish are sardines and herring.


Monounsaturated fats are found in nuts and sunflower seed have lowest levels of fatty acids and are the best of the three types of fats (polyunsaturated, saturated fat and monosaturated). Walnuts are a healthy way to intake necessary healthy fats in the body, without feeling guilty, and because it is herbal, natural and chemical raw fat, nutritious and excellent for heart health.


Legumes are great for heart and by eating in various combinations – soups and main dishes are easily digested. It is considered that reduces bad cholesterol by 8%, and is especially recommended black beans and white beans.


Tea contains antioxidants and small amounts of caffeine compared to coffee. One cup of tea contains only 30-40 mg, while coffee has about 135 mg of caffeine. Tea has phytochemicals that protects bones, and is protector of the body from bad LDL cholesterol.


A reasonable dose of dark chocolate is useful for the body. Chocolate is full of antioxidants and ingredients that lower cholesterol. It is thought that antioxidants in dark chocolate reduce damage that may occur in the blood vessels and reduces the additional damage that may endanger the health of people who suffer from cirrhosis.


Popeye the sailor was built as a character who symbolizes the strength of the muscle that comes from spinach. It is believed that spinach contains about 13 flavonoids which keep body from cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Olive oil

Olive oil is very beneficial to health. It contains mono-unsaturated fatty acids that lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides without having to disrupt the balance of good cholesterol. It exists in different variants, extra virgin which is best, as well as pure.

Source: mrhealthyguru

nedjelja, 15. svibnja 2016.

20 Warning Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

An emotionally abusive relationship is harmful to your confidence and self-esteem, and you may not even be aware of the abuse. Unlike physical abuse that causes physical pain and leaves visible markings, the signs of emotional abuse are not as apparent.

Research shows that emotional abuse is as damaging to a person as both physical and sexual abuse. The study that followed 846 at-risk children over a 14-year period shows that the most common abuse is the psychological threat to safety and security.

The reason emotional abuse is so harmful is because it affects how we think about ourselves. It comes in the form of actions, attitude and words that are meant to demean and humiliate. It is used as a form of control often leaving the victim feeling confused, powerless and afraid.

All abuse directly attacks our self-esteem, but emotional abuse does it directly by linking our self-worth to being loved. You might be surprised to learn that several studies show emotional abuse occurs at the hands of men and women at equal rates. It can happen in any relationship.

You might be in an emotionally abusive relationship if:

They constantly humiliate you in front of other people.

They criticize your actions as being less than perfect making you feel as if you can’t do anything right.

They tell mean, inappropriate and demeaning jokes.

They want to be in control of everything including your actions.

They constantly remind you of your shortcomings and failures.

They do not value your feelings and often will tell you that you are wrong and that you are too sensitive.

They give disapproving and dismissive looks that leave you fearful of being alone with them.

They withhold displays of affection and sex as a form of punishment.

They belittle your dreams and accomplishments.

They share your private moments and your secrets with others against your wishes.

They do not think you are capable of knowing what is best for you.

They blame you for their problems, their mood, and their overall unhappiness.

They can’t laugh at themselves, and they get extremely sensitive when others laugh at or make fun of them.

You might be in an emotionally abusive relationship if:

They constantly humiliate you in front of other people.

They criticize your actions as being less than perfect making you feel as if you can’t do anything right.

They tell mean, inappropriate and demeaning jokes.

They want to be in control of everything including your actions.

They constantly remind you of your shortcomings and failures.

They do not value your feelings and often will tell you that you are wrong and that you are too sensitive.

They give disapproving and dismissive looks that leave you fearful of being alone with them.

They withhold displays of affection and sex as a form of punishment.

They belittle your dreams and accomplishments.

They share your private moments and your secrets with others against your wishes.

They do not think you are capable of knowing what is best for you.

They blame you for their problems, their mood, and their overall unhappiness.

They can’t laugh at themselves, and they get extremely sensitive when others laugh at or make fun of them.

An emotionally abusive relationship is harmful to your confidence and self-esteem, and you may not even be aware of the abuse. Unlike physical abuse that causes physical pain and leaves visible markings, the signs of emotional abuse are not as apparent.

Research shows that emotional abuse is as damaging to a person as both physical and sexual abuse. The study that followed 846 at-risk children over a 14-year period shows that the most common abuse is the psychological threat to safety and security.

The reason emotional abuse is so harmful is because it affects how we think about ourselves. It comes in the form of actions, attitude and words that are meant to demean and humiliate. It is used as a form of control often leaving the victim feeling confused, powerless and afraid.

All abuse directly attacks our self-esteem, but emotional abuse does it directly by linking our self-worth to being loved. You might be surprised to learn that several studies show emotional abuse occurs at the hands of men and women at equal rates. It can happen in any relationship.

Here are 20 warning signs of an emotionally abusive relationship:

You might be in an emotionally abusive relationship if:

They constantly humiliate you in front of other people.

They criticize your actions as being less than perfect making you feel as if you can’t do anything right.

They tell mean, inappropriate and demeaning jokes.

They want to be in control of everything including your actions.

They constantly remind you of your shortcomings and failures.

They do not value your feelings and often will tell you that you are wrong and that you are too sensitive.

They give disapproving and dismissive looks that leave you fearful of being alone with them.

They withhold displays of affection and sex as a form of punishment.

They belittle your dreams and accomplishments.

They share your private moments and your secrets with others against your wishes.

They do not think you are capable of knowing what is best for you.

They blame you for their problems, their mood, and their overall unhappiness.

They can’t laugh at themselves, and they get extremely sensitive when others laugh at or make fun of them.

They make you feel wrong for wanting to see your friends or do anything fun without them.

They make you feel as if you aren’t good enough for them and that you should be thankful to be in the relationship.

They insist on always being right while you are always wrong.

They make subtle threats that are disguised as a suggestion to help you.

They control the finances so they can control your actions and how you spend money.

They constantly call or text to check up on you, who you are with and what you are doing when you are not together.

They accuse you of things that are not true, so you are forced to prove your love.

This list isn’t comprehensive by any means. But when there is a feeling that we can’t be our authentic self and that we are constantly in fear of doing or saying the wrong thing; we need to evaluate if the relationship is emotionally abusive.

Emotionally abusive people are conditioned to make us feel that they are superior and that we don’t deserve them. They make us feel like we deserve to be treated the way we are and that we are lucky to be in a relationship with them. They are masters at manipulating the way we feel.

This is not our fault. We are not to blame. There is probably little that we can do to change the behavior or improve the relationship. Recognize it for what it is, abuse.

Left alone, the stress of an emotionally abusive relationship can manifest itself in the form of illness, depression and even long-term emotional trauma. That’s why it is important first to recognize the behavior and then seek help. Recognizing the behavior can be difficult because we are so attached to the relationship, that we don’t want to think about letting it go. That’s why we need to be aware of some key signs that the relationship isn’t serving us.

Since it is so hard to see from the inside of a relationship, as a friend we should be looking for these signs in the relationships of those we love. It might take an outside eye to spot emotionally abusive behavior. Proceed with caution because it can be a challenging conversation to have.

If you begin to notice the signs of an emotionally abusive relationship, whether it’s you or someone you care about, seek professional help. Just because the relationship isn’t violent yet, doesn’t mean it won’t escalate and you should get a clear understanding of the situation from someone trained to help everyone stay safe.


subota, 14. svibnja 2016.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. If left unchecked, these cancer cells can spread from the skin into other tissues and organs.

There are different types of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common. Melanoma is less common, but more dangerous.


The outer layer of skin, the epidermis, is made up of different types of cells. Skin cancers are classified by the types of epidermal cells involved:

    Basal cell carcinoma develops from abnormal growth of the cells in the lowest layer of the epidermis and is the most common type of skin cancer.
    Squamous cell carcinoma involves changes in the squamous cells, found in the middle layer of the epidermis.
    Melanoma occurs in the melanocytes (cells that produce pigment) and is less common than squamous or basal cell carcinoma, but more dangerous. It is the leading cause of death from skin disease.

Skin cancers are sometimes classified as either melanoma or nonmelanoma. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common nonmelanoma skin cancers. Other nonmelanoma skin cancers are Kaposi's sarcoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and cutaneous lymphoma.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Unites States. Known risk factors for skin cancer include the following:

    Complexion: Skin cancers are more common in people with light-colored skin, hair, and eyes.
    Genetics: Having a family history of melanoma increases the risk of developing this cancer.
    Age: Nonmelanoma skin cancers are more common after age 40.
    Sun exposure and sunburn: Most skin cancers occur on areas of the skin that are regularly exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation. This is considered the primary cause of all skin cancers.

Skin cancer can develop in anyone, not only people with these risk factors. Young, healthy people -- even those with with dark skin, hair, and eyes -- can develop skin cancer.


Skin cancers may have many different appearances. They can be small, shiny, waxy, scaly and rough, firm and red, crusty or bleeding, or have other features. Therefore, anything suspicious should be looked at by a physician. See the articles on specific skin cancers for more information.

Here are some features to look for:

    Asymmetry: one half of the abnormal skin area is different than the other half
    Borders: irregular borders
    Color: varies from one area to another with shades of tan, brown, or black (sometimes white, red, blue)
    Diameter: usually (but not always) larger than 6 mm in size (diameter of a pencil eraser)
    Any skin growth that bleeds or will not heal

Use a mirror or have someone help you look on your back, shoulders, and other hard-to-see areas.



Different types of skin cancer require different treatment approaches. Surgical removal of the cancer is very common.
See the specific type of skin cancer for information:

  • Basal cell carcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Melanoma
  • Outlook (Prognosis)

    The outlook depends on a number of factors, including the type of cancer and how quickly it was diagnosed. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma rarely spread to other parts of the body. However, melanoma is more likely to spread. See the specific skin cancer articles for additional information.
  •  When to Contact a Medical Professional

    Any suspicious mole, sore, or skin growth should be looked at by a physician immediately. You should take seriously any changes in a mole or any sudden growth on the skin.
  •  Prevention

    Minimizing sun exposure is the best way to prevent skin damage, including many types of skin cancer:

        Protect your skin from the sun when you can -- wear protective clothing such as hats, long-sleeved shirts, long skirts, or pants.
        Try to avoid exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is most intense.
        Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Apply sunscreen at least one-half hour before sun exposure, and reapply frequently.
        Apply sunscreen during winter months as well.
  • source:nytimes

Why I will vote for Donald Trump

If your response is going to be anything related to ‘no one cares what you think’ stop reading now and go elsewhere. You’re coming here either interested in why, or to add to your list of reasons you don’t like me. I’m ok with both.

I’ve known Mr. Trump for a little over a decade. Our first encounter, and subsequent encounters, had to do with his request for me to appear on the apprentice.

We spoke at length every time we got together.

I realized very quickly this was a man decisive in action and confident in his ability.

I also realized that regardless of his net worth, he worked his ass off. He didn’t have time for 8 hours sleep each night, too much to be done.

So why will I vote for him? Here’s a few reasons why and none of them pertains to me just not wanting to vote for someone else.
    I trust him. I don’t agree with him on many things, that’s cool. I also know that there is and never will be a candidate anywhere that I will agree with on everything. That candidate doesn’t exist. If you say it does I think that makes you a sheep, someone afraid to have or voice an original, albeit unpopular, opinion at times.
    While I don’t agree with him there are two incredibly important things he possesses that neither candidate on the Soviet ticket do. He loves this country. You can laugh, you can mock, but you also are full of crap if the current administration has ever given you the confidence that they love this nation above all else. He will protect my family, and my loved ones. I say that because Mr Trump is where he is for one major reason. He’s been successful because he understands that surrounding yourself with smart people and listening to them, then parsing ideas and deciding, is how you win. Not all the time, but most of the time. When he says he will ‘make the military great’ he means “I’m going to create a group of men and women I trust to rebuild the worlds greatest armed forces and then insure that you and your family are protected BEFORE looking out for the interests of others”.
    I firmly believe that to know the real heart and soul of a man you look at his children. Who are they, what are they, and how do they act. I’ve never, even for a second, heard his children speak with anything but respect, courtesy, integrity and confidence. While you may think they are ‘spoon fed’ rich kids, experience tells me they have busted their asses to make their own way and be their own people.

Let me also comment on you frauds in the liberal media.

Mr Trump doesn’t want to ‘ban all muslims’ from entering the nation. Mr Trump doesn’t want to ban mexican immigrants from coming here.

No, Mr Trump wants to halt, dismantle and rebuild a horrifically corrupt, broken and useless immigration system. This current administration has made no bones about ‘disarming’ both our border patrol and our first responders in a rush to make sure everyone, even criminals, don’t have their rights infringed on.

But your liberal agenda has you lying your asses off to a group of people too lazy to do the work on their own, to listen and decide on their own.

But you knew that, just like you know Hillary Clinton is as guilty as the day is long, and as responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans, including an ambassador she was sworn to protect.

What terrifies you now? I think it’s the fact people have decided to stop making you their ‘go to’ for news. You cannot be trusted anymore, you have openly talked down to and mocked the ‘common’ citizen that they’re finally standing up and telling you to pound sand.

Those that still listen and believe you, and the massive amount of misinformation you publish are the lazy sheep and apathetic folks who will pull a lever for the felon or the socialist come next election.

I do want Mr Trump to stop the name calling, I do want him to start being much more specific. But that’s just me and my opinion. I love that he gets it. What do I mean by that? I mean if you heard his initial tax proposal and recently heard his talk around changing that, you understand unlike the liar in chief, he gets that what’s going to happen is far too complicated to guarantee anything until you sit in the oval office. He won’t pander, and that alone sets him apart from 99% of the corrupt entrenched old white gov’t.

You’ve managed to elect people that want to shred the 2nd Amendment while being surrounded by an armed detail

You’ve managed to elect people who demanded a disaster of a health care system, while they themselves asked for, and received, exemptions from that very same broken down piece of junk.

You’ve managed to elect people who honest to God believe you can pass legislation that will make criminals NOT be criminals, and you BELIEVE that!

Your media went on a campaign to destroy a woman that absolutely loves this nation in Gov Palin. You have made people believe she actually said “I can see Russia from my house”.

    “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”

That’s what she said you frauds. You rant and rave about ‘racists’ commentary around the First Lady and their daughters yet you laughed, mocked and trivialized when the public embarrassed and tried to humiliate Bristol Palin.

You would honest to God have the public believe that one of the most evil, despicable corrupt lying phonies ever to walk this earth, should be the democratic nominee for the highest position in this land.

The ONLY reason I wanted to see Mrs Fiorina, or Mrs Palin, or Condolezza Rice involved was to finally have this nation see what a true woman who can lead looks and sounds like on the same stage.

You’ve made folks believe a woman who helped destroy the lives of the women her husband assaulted and was accused of rape by, is actually a champion of womens rights.

I’m with ya on the Trump issue around his commentary about women. I think it’s uncomfortable for me so I would imagine it is for women, but again i tell you, look at his daughter and decide if he actually knows how to treat women. His wife? His former wife? Any of them come out and complain?

You college folks in love with Mr Sanders, a man I think is too far left for election in the Soviet Union I will say this.

Do your homework. His love of the “Nordic Model” is understandable, who wouldn’t like free stuff.

Let me give you a hint about how that might work.

It CANNOT SCALE from a policy covering 6-10 million people to covering 300+ million people in a country with 19+ trillion in debt and the worlds largest defense budget.

It is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE.

I know it sounds great, hell free stuff always does but you seem to have forgotten one of life’s most endearing and true cliches.

    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

So rant and moan and whatever all you want, but the reasons I am voting for Mr Trump is easy.

I trust him when he says he will put this country above everything else as a priority in decision making

I trust him to create a team of military minds that will keep me safe

I trust him to destroy a corrupt and broken immigration system and remake it with one that works.

I trust that at every crucial point, when a decision has to be made, he will make the decision that’s best for our nation, and not the best for votes.

I trust him over a women who lied her ass off about ‘landing under fire’ only to have video footage of her lazily walking off of Marine One.

Stolen valor much?

I trust him to undo the massive damage created by the most divisive group of people in my lifetime, who have managed in 7+ short years to undo hundreds of years and thousands of lives worth of work.

So Mr Trump, all I ask is that you keep your promise to me, and to Americans, and put us above all else when you become the 45th President of the United States of American.

I’m proud my family served in so many ways  and so many wars that we can still have a process to elect a person to lead us.

God Bless you and God Bless the United States
source: 38pitches

Five Ways to a Healthy Lifestyle

With good food habits and daily physical activity you will be well on your way to a healthy life.  Easy to say, but sometimes not so easy to do!

Our busy lifestyles can be hard on our family’s health. Rushing to and from school and work can make it hard to find time to be physically active. We can also slip into the habit of choosing unhealthy snacks and take-away foods or spending our free time watching TV or in front of the computer.

However, these choices can be dangerous for our health and our children’s health – both now and in the long-term. That’s why it’s so important to stop, take stock and make a conscious decision to follow a healthy lifestyle.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle

There are five simple ways for your family to lead a healthy lifestyle and get back on track:

1. Get active each day

    Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth, development and well-being of children and young people.
    They should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including vigorous activities that make them ‘huff and puff’.
    Include activities that strengthen muscles and bones on at least 3 days of the week.
    Parents should be good role models and have a positive attitude to being active.

2. Choose water as a drink

    Water is the best way to quench your thirst – and it doesn’t come with the added sugar found in fruit juices, soft drinks and other sweetened drinks.
    Reduced fat milk for children over two is a nutritious drink and a great source of calcium.
    Give kids whole fruit to eat, rather than offering fruit juices that have a lot of sugar.

3. Eat more fruit and vegetables

    Eating fruit and vegetables every day helps children grow and develop, boosts their vitality and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
    Aim to eat two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables every day.
    Have fresh fruit available as a convenient snack and try to include fruit and vegies in every meal.

4. Switch off the screen and get active

    Sedentary or ‘still’ time spent watching TV, surfing online or playing computer games is linked to kids becoming overweight or obese.
    Children and young people should spend no more than two hours a day on ‘small screen’ entertainment. Break up long periods of use as often as possible.
    Plan a range of active indoor and outdoor games or activities for your children, as alternatives to watching TV or playing on the computer.

5. Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives

    Healthy snacks help children and young people meet their daily nutritional needs.
    Snacks based on fruit and vegetables, reduced fat dairy products and whole grains are the healthiest choices.
    Avoid snacks that are high in sugar or saturated fats – such as chips, cakes and chocolate – which can cause children to put on excess weight.

source: healthykids

ponedjeljak, 9. svibnja 2016.

17 Best and Worst Foods of Summer

Worst: Ice cream sandwich

What’s better than two cookies sandwiching vanilla ice cream, especially when the cookies are chocolate chip? Well, actually, pretty much anything is better for you, because this treat usually packs nearly 500 calories and gets a whopping 60% of it’s melt-in-your mouth flavor from saturated fat.

A better idea: Make your own ice cream sandwiches using lower-fat sorbet. Better yet, skip the cookie and try one of our picks for America's Healthiest Ice Creams.

Summer fare

It’s kind of a myth that summer means more exercise and healthier food choices for everyone. One eye-opening study found that kids gain weight three times faster over summer than they do the rest of the school year, thanks to a steady diet of junk food and video games.

And while there’s no comparable stat on grown-ups and weight gain, barbecues, state fairs, and waterside food vendors offer plenty of temptation. Here are the summer foods you should always avoid, and healthier options you can feel free to enjoy.

Worst: Fried dough

A staple at summer fairs and carnivals, fried dough is simply nutritional napalm and definitely belongs on our list of 50 Fattiest Foods In the States.

Deep-fried flour, butter, shortening, and sugar may sound like something you can get away with once or twice a year, but keep in mind that fried and battered foods are among the worst sources of trans fat.

While trans fat can be tasty, it raises bad cholesterol, lowers the good kind, and can increase inflammation in your body. Bottom line: fried dough doesn’t belong in anyone’s diet.

Worst: Corn dogs

Which state invented the corn dog? Texas claims to have unveiled this deep-dried fat bomb at a state fair in 1942, but Minnesota wants credit too. But why boast? Anything deep-fried is usually best to avoid, but this snack is in its own category, packing about 20 grams of fat and loads of sodium.

A better idea: Choose a hot dog under 150 calories and 14 grams of fat, and limit sodium to under 450 milligrams. And have it on a whole grain bun.

Worst: Lobster rolls

If lobster rolls sound like a lean and healthy alternative to a hamburger, consider how these seaside treats are assembled: Lobster is mixed with mayonnaise, then nestled inside a well-buttered white bread bun for a fat-clogged sandwich that weighs in at over 400 calories, more than half of which comes from fat.

A better bet: Try making lobster rolls at home, where you can use just a dash of low-fat mayo, put them on a whole-wheat roll, and limit or even eliminate the butter.

WORST: Fried clams

A few fried clams are fine to share with friends, but don’t make a meal of them. One 3/4 cup serving of this fried seafood packs nearly 500 calories and a whopping 26 grams of fat. A better bet is to eat them cooked but not deep-fried.

Cooked clams pack protein and are one of the best sources of vitamin b12 which is vital for a healthy nervous system and to prevent anemia.

Worst: Ribs

Ribs come in all shapes and sizes, but no matter how you cut ‘em, restaurant ribs need to stay off your summer menu. A quarter pound of beef or pork ribs weigh in at 288 calories and are loaded with saturated fat, and that’s before you slather on barbecue sauce.

When cooking ribs at home, skip the sauce in favor low-fat spices like mustard, garlic, and chili powder. They’ll add delicious flavors without many calories.

Try our barbecue rib recipe as an appetizer. Before cooking, be sure to trim off all visible fat and keep portion sizes small.

Worst: Daiquiris

Daiquiris sound light and refreshing, but their nutritional profile is big and bloated. An 8-ounce strawberry daiquiri, for example, packs more calories than a double-patty hamburger and is loaded with fat and sugar!

But there are plenty of healthier drinks to enjoy poolside, with or without alcohol. Try one of these 11 Low-Cal Cocktail Recipes.

Worst: Macaroni and potato salad

While we still love eating mac and potato salad throughout the summer, fattening mayonnaise is unfortunately what makes both taste so good. A better bet is to swap in low-fat mayo or heart-healthy unsaturated fats, like olive oil.

Our Picnic-Perfect Pasta Salads offer lots of lean options, and our Powered-Up Potato Salad is a colorful, low-fat, and delicious salad that uses no mayo at all.

Still craving the real-deal? Try our rich and creamy Original Potato Salad. At 300 calories per serving, you can enjoy it if you keep portions small.

Worst: Onion rings

While onion rings don’t sound like the worst health choice you can make, once onions are dipped in flour and eggs, thrown into a deep fryer, then salted, the outcome is a diet disaster.

A much better idea: Try a Faux Fry! Coat sliced onions with egg whites and a mixture of grated Parmesan cheese, whole-wheat flour, and panko breadcrumbs. Spritz with cooking spray and bake in a 450 degree oven for about 15 minutes.

Crispy, healthy, satisfying…you’ll never eat deep-fried onions rings again!

Best: Corn on the cob

Corn on the cob without butter or salt is a high-fiber, low-calorie food. We love shaving some off the cob into salads, using it for healthy salsas, and grilling it — just don’t overdo the butter!

Tip: choose the yellow variety over the white kind for added vitamin A.


Best: WatBest: Fresh iced tea

Tea has zero calories, loads of antioxidants, and may even help you lose weight. To get the nutritional benefits of tea, you really need to make it yourself and not go for the bottled variety.

Black or green, if you make your own using a tea bag, iced is just as beneficial as hot. Check out our 9 Thirst-Quenching Iced Tea Recipes and consider enjoying this healthy drink every day.ermelon

Popping some watermelon into your mouth is a great way to rehydrate after a long day in the sun.

True to its name, watermelon is over 90% water. It’s also an even better source of cancer-fighting lycopene than raw tomatoes. At just 44 calories a cup, there’s no reason not to bite into this summery fruit.

Best: Fruit salad

Summer is peak season for colorful berries and stone fruit, and fruit eaters tend to weigh less than people who don’t enjoy fruit!

If that’s not enough to get you to the farmer’s market, red, purple and blue fruit are potent sources of antioxidants and vitamins, and some, especially berries, pack up to one-third of your daily fiber needs per serving.

Here are 12 Delicious Fruit Salads and Salsa Recipes to help you eat more of this seasonal treat!

Best: Gazpacho

In the summer months, the last thing you want is to stir a pot over a hot stove and tuck into a steaming bowl of soup. Chilled soups are a perfect solution—for many of our recipes all you need is a bowl to prepare it!

Gazpacho is filled with healthy ingredients like bell peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers, which make it a light yet flavorful soup.

One cup of our juicy Summer-Garden Gazpacho is only 88 calories with 4 grams of fat and zero cholesterol.

Best: Grilled chicken kabobs

Easy to throw on the barbecue, chicken kabobs are packed with protein but low in calories, fat, and carbs.

When you add veggies (like zucchini, bell peppers, and squash) to your skewer, you’ll add delicious, summery flavors and loads of antioxidants.

Vitamin C-packed red bell peppers are a great addition, as they get even sweeter on the grill and a half-cup provides only 14 calories. Another option: Dip chicken skewers into yogurt sauces, like in this simple-summer Yogurt-and-Spice Grilled Chicken Skewers dish.

Best: Zucchini

Raw, grilled, rolled, sliced or diced, zucchini is the perfect summer veggie. At only 20 calories per cup, it has zero fat and cholesterol, and 35% of your daily-recommended intake of vitamin C.

In addition to enjoying this veggie raw you can use it to make one of these 26 Quick and Tasty Zucchini Recipes.

Best: Shrimp cocktail

Great for a mid-afternoon snack, as an appetizer at a party, or for a light lunch, shrimp are a high-protein and low-calorie way to get energized. They provide about 14% of your daily-recommended iron intake, and a 3.5 ounce serving is less than 100 calories.

We love topping them on salads, eating them plain, or grilling them like in this tasty Grilled Shrimp with Lime, Orange, and Basil Oil appetizer.

Quick and easy recipes that turn seasonal fruits and vegetables into a delicious light lunch or snack.


nedjelja, 8. svibnja 2016.

Infertility in Women

Alternative Names

Barren; Inability to conceive; Unable to get pregnant
Infertility is the inability of a couple to become pregnant after 12 months of unprotected intercourse.

 Causes »

Primary infertility is the term used to describe a couple that has never been able to conceive a pregnancy, after at least 1 year of unprotected intercourse.

Secondary infertility describes couples who have previously been pregnant at least once, but have not been able to achieve another pregnancy.

Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors. Approximately 30 - 40% of all infertility is due to a "male" factor such as retrograde ejaculation, impotence, hormone deficiency, environmental pollutants, scarring from sexually transmitted disease, or decreased sperm count. Some factors affecting sperm count are heavy marijuana use or use of prescription drugs such as cimetidine, spironolactone, and nitrofurantoin.

A "female" factor -- scarring from sexually transmitted disease or endometriosis, ovulation dysfunction, poor nutrition, hormone imbalance, ovarian cysts, pelvic infection, tumor, or transport system abnormality from the cervix through the fallopian tubes -- is responsible for 40 - 50% of infertility in couples.

The remaining 10 -30% of infertility cases may be caused by contributing factors from both partners, or no cause can be identified.

It is estimated that 10 - 20% of couples will be unable to conceive after 1 year of trying to become pregnant. It is important that pregnancy be attempted for at least 1 year. The chances for pregnancy occurring in healthy couples who are both under the age of 30 and having intercourse regularly is only 25 - 30% per month. A woman's peak fertility occurs in her early 20s. As a woman ages beyond 35 (and particularly after age 40), the likelihood of getting pregnant drops to less than 10% per month.

In addition to age-related factors, increased risk for infertility is associated with the following:

    Multiple sexual partners (increases risk for sexually transmitted diseases)
    Sexually transmitted diseases
    History of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
    History of orchitis or epididymitis in men
    Mumps (men)
    Varicocele (men)
    A past medical history that includes DES exposure (men or women)
    Eating disorders (women)
    Anovulatory menstrual cycles
    Defects of the uterus (myomas) or cervical obstruction
    Long-term (chronic) disease such as diabetes


    Inability to become pregnant.
    A range of emotional reactions by either or both members of the couple. In general, such reactions are greater among childless couples. Having at least one child tends to soften these painful emotions.

Signs and Tests »

A complete history and physical examination of both partners is essential.

Tests may include:

    Semen analysis -- the specimen is collected after 2 to 3 days of complete abstinence to determine volume and viscosity of semen and sperm count, motility, swimming speed, and shape.
    Measuring basal body temperature -- taking the woman''s temperature each morning before arising in an effort to note the 0.4 to 1.0 degree Fahrenheit temperature increase associated with ovulation.
    Monitoring cervical mucus changes throughout the menstrual cycle to note the wet, stretchy, and slippery mucus associated with the ovulatory phase.
    Postcoital testing (PCT) to evaluate sperm-cervical mucus interaction through analysis of cervical mucus collected 2 to 8 hours after the couple has intercourse.
    Measuring serum progesterone (a blood test).
    Biopsying the woman''s uterine lining (endometrium).
    Biopsying the man''s testicles (rarely done).
    Measuring the amount of luteinizing hormone in urine with home-use kits to predict ovulation and assist with timing of intercourse.
    Progestin challenge when the woman has sporadic or absent ovulation.
    Serum hormonal levels (blood tests) for either or both partners.
    Hysterosalpingography (HSG) -- an x-ray procedure done with contrast dye that looks at the route of sperm from the cervix through the uterus and fallopian tubes.
    Laparoscopy to allow direct visualization of the pelvic cavity.
    Pelvic exam for the woman to determine if there are cysts.

Treatment »

Treatment depends on the cause of infertility. It may involve:

    Simple education and counseling
    Medicines to treat infections or promote ovulation
    Highly sophisticated medical procedures such as in vitro fertilization

It is important for the couple to recognize and discuss the emotional impact that infertility has on them as individuals and together and to seek medical advice from their health care provider.

Expectations (prognosis)

A cause can be determined for about 85- 90% of infertile couples.

Appropriate therapy (not including advanced techniques such as in vitro fertilization) allows pregnancy to occur in 50 - 60% of previously infertile couples.

Without any treatment intervention, 15 - 20% of couples previously diagnosed as infertile will eventually become pregnant.


Because infertility is frequently caused by sexually transmitted diseases, practicing safer sex behaviors may minimize the risk of future infertility. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are the two most frequent causes of STD-related infertility.

STDs are often asymptomatic at first, until PID or salpingitis develops. These inflammatory processes cause scarring of the fallopian tubes and decreased fertility, absolute infertility, or an increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy.

Mumps immunization has been well demonstrated to prevent mumps and its male complication, orchitis. Immunization prevents mumps-related sterility.

Some forms of birth control, such as the intrauterine device (IUD), carry a higher risk for future infertility. However, IUDs are not recommended for women who have not previously had a child.

Women selecting the IUD must be willing to accept the very slight risk of infertility associated with its use. Careful consideration of this risk, weighed with the potential benefits, should be reviewed and discussed with both partners and the health care provider.

Early diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis may decrease the risk of infertility.



Asthma Alternative names - BRONCHIAL ASTHMA

Asthma is a disease that causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow, leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.


Asthma is caused by inflammation (swelling) in the airways. When an asthma attack occurs, the lining of the air passages swells and the muscles surrounding the airways become tight. This reduces the amount of air that can pass through the airway.


In persons who have sensitive airways, asthma symptoms can be triggered by breathing in  substances called allergens or triggers.

Common asthma triggers include:

    Animals (pet hair or dander)
    Dust mites
    Certain medicines (aspirin and other NSAIDS)
    Changes in weather (most often cold weather)
    Chemicals in the air or in food
    Respiratory infections, such as the common cold
    Strong emotions (stress)
    Tobacco smoke

Many people with asthma have a personal or family history of allergies, such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis) or eczema. Others have no history of allergies.


Most people with asthma have attacks separated by symptom-free periods. Some people have long-term shortness of breath with episodes of increased shortness of breath. Either wheezing or a cough may be the main symptom.

Asthma attacks can last for minutes to days, and can become dangerous if the airflow is severely blocked.

Symptoms include:

    Cough with or without sputum (phlegm) production
    Pulling in of the skin between the ribs when breathing (intercostal retractions)
    Shortness of breath that gets worse with exercise or activity

Emergency symptoms that need prompt medical help:

    Bluish color to the lips and face
    Decreased level of alertness, such as severe drowsiness or confusion, during an asthma attack
    Extreme difficulty breathing
    Rapid pulse
    Severe anxiety due to shortness of breath

Other symptoms that may occur:

    Abnormal breathing pattern --breathing out takes more than twice as long as breathing in
    Breathing temporarily stops
    Chest pain
    Tightness in the chest


The goals of treatment are:

    Control airway swelling
    Stay away from substances that trigger your symptoms
    Help you to be able to do normal activities without asthma symptoms

You and your doctor should work as a team to manage your asthma. Follow your doctor's instructions on taking medicines, eliminating asthma triggers, and monitoring symptoms.


There are two kinds of medicines for treating asthma:

    Control medicines to help prevent attacks
    Quick-relief (rescue) medicines for use during attacks

Long-term Medicines

These are also called maintenance or controller medicines. They are used to prevent symptoms in people with moderate to severe asthma. You must take them every day for them to work. Take them even when you feel OK.

Some long-term medicines are breathed in (inhaled), such as steroids and long-acting beta-agonists. Others are taken by mouth (oral). Your doctor will prescribe the right medicine for you.

Quick-relief Medicines

These are also called rescue medicines. They are taken for:

    Coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing, or an asthma attack.
    Just before exercising to help prevent asthma symptoms caused by exercise.
    Tell your doctor if you are using quick-relief medicines twice a week or more. Your asthma may not be under control and your doctor may need to change your dose of daily control drugs.

Quick-relief medicines include:

    Short-acting inhaled bronchodilators
    Oral corticosteroids for when you have an asthma attack that is not going away

A severe asthma attack requires a checkup by a doctor. You may also need a hospital stay. There, you will likely be given oxygen, breathing assistance, and medications given through a vein (IV).


    Know the asthma symptoms to watch for
    Know how to take your peak flow reading and what it means
    Know which triggers make your asthma worse and what to do when this happens.

Asthma action plans are written documents for managing asthma. An asthma action plan should include:

    Instructions for taking asthma medicines when your condition is stable
    A list of asthma triggers and how to avoid them
    How to recognize when your asthma is getting worse, and when to call your doctor or nurse

A peak flow meter is a simple device to measure how quickly you can move air out of your lungs.

    It can help you see if an attack is coming, sometimes even before symptoms appear. Peak flow measurements help let you know when medicine or other action needs to be taken.
    Peak flow values of 50% - 80% of your best results are a sign of a moderate asthma attack. Numbers below 50% are a sign of a severe attack.


You can reduce asthma symptoms by avoiding triggers and substances that irritate the airways.

    Cover bedding with allergy-proof casings to reduce exposure to dust mites.
    Remove carpets from bedrooms and vacuum regularly.
    Use only unscented detergents and cleaning materials in the home.
    Keep humidity levels low and fix leaks to reduce the growth of organisms such as mold.
    Keep the house clean and keep food in containers and out of bedrooms. This helps reduce the possibility of cockroaches. Body parts and droppings from cockroaches can trigger asthma attacks in some people.
    If a person is allergic to an animal that cannot be removed from the home, the animal should be kept out of the bedroom. Place filtering material over the heating outlets to trap animal dander. Change the filter in furnaces and air conditioners often.
    Eliminate tobacco smoke from the home. This is the single most important thing a family can do to help someone with asthma. Smoking outside the house is not enough. Family members and visitors who smoke outside carry smoke residue inside on their clothes and hair. This can trigger asthma symptoms. If you smoke, now is a good time to quit.
    Avoid air pollution, industrial dust, and irritating fumes as much as possible.


subota, 7. svibnja 2016.

Here are the 8 biggest debates in American food policy

Given how long we humans have been putting food in our mouths and swallowing it, you’d reckon eating would be a relatively simple business by now – but, alas, no. It turns out that figuring out how we should grow, sell, and tax our food is one of the most heated debates in America. From GMOs to school lunches, our national policy on food is very fraught — and very complicated.

So next time you’re digging into the ups and downs of how we, well, dig in, you should at least know what to expect. Here are eight of the biggest food policy debates we expect to see on legislative menus across the country this year:

1. Soda taxes

Obesity is one of the biggest health epidemics America faces today, and our penchant for sweets — especially when they’re easy to consume, as in the case of, say, a dirt cheap Big Gulp of Coke — is one of the main culprits. The idea behind soda taxes is to make sugary drinks slightly harder to get ahold of, simply by making them more expensive.

But do soda taxes work? That might depend on the recipe of the tax: How much tax is too much, too little, or just right? Some economists say you’d need a fairly substantial price spike in order to make a dent in the demand. Others argue that it would be more effective to simply tax the sugar, not the drinks that get made from it.

2. Food stamps

Since we all need food to live, making sure everyone can get it sounds like a no-brainer. And yet conservatives continue to cut into Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) programs. Tussles over food stamp programs include everything from who really needs government assistance, to what sorts of foods that assistance should give them access to, to just how badly Gwyneth botched the food stamp challenge.

3. GMO labeling

The idea of eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) gives a lot of people the heebie-jeebies, whether they are worried about their own health or the environment’s. The push to label food made with genetically modified ingredients has been popular in activist circles for several years, but now the conversation is increasingly moving into courts and legislatures. While knowing what you eat is generally a good idea (no one wants to stir sugar into their coffee only to realize that it was actually salt), some argue that GMO labeling isn’t an effective way to change the food system, or even that it could cause unnecessary panic.

4. Antibiotics

When you’ve got an infection, antibiotics quickly become your new best friend (no offense, Laura). But when they’re used on farm animals? They start looking much more like a frenemy. The main problem is that rampant antibiotic use on our livestock creates more antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which means the stuff might not work when we need it ourselves.

5. Nutrition

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” “Milk does a body good!” “You are what you eat!” There is no shortage of opinions on the best way to feed ourselves, but in fact, a lot of nutritional science is pretty tentative. Still, we know some things for sure — and given the state of American health, it’s clear we can do better.

6. School lunches

The only food discussion that tends to get more heated than the best thing to put into our own mouths? What to feed our children.

Which foods should and shouldn’t be included in school lunches — and who’s going to pick up the tab — is one of the most persistent debates over our daily grub. And so long as we keep having children and sending them to school, we don’t think this one is going away anytime soon.

7. Pollinators

Honeybee numbers are increasing now, but they are still overworked, overstressed, and more vulnerable than their ancestors — and their disappearance would have big ramifications for our food system as a whole.. And there’s troubling evidence that wild pollinators are in much worse shape than those protected by beekeepers: Bats, birds, butterflies, and tons of other insects also face serious threats. Given that about 75 percent of the world’s staple crops depend on pollination, this is an issue we’ll want to address — and soon.

8. Agricultural systems

Producing food on a big scale almost always takes some kind of toll on the Earth, but some agricultural systems are more sustainable than others. From advertising to farm subsidies, there’s a lot about our agricultural system to beef about. Luckily, there are publications (hello, Grist!) and programs out there to help you find your way around your very messy plate.

Pace University’s Masters in Environmental Policy trains students to understand the complexities of environmental policy, in particular how different decisions about issues like food, water, energy and transportation — could lead to a better climate future.


Simplest Metabolism Boost!

The he simplest, quickest metabolic boost could be as easy as a few cups of water. In a study from the Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 14 healthy, normal-weight participants (seven men and seven women) were studied for the effect of drinking 500 ml (about 2 cups) of water on energy expenditure and oxidation rates. Drinking 500 ml of water “increased metabolic rate by 30%. The increase occurred within 10 minutes and reached a maximum after 30–40 minutes.”

Burn more calories resting

 This finding is not an outlier. The International Journal of Obesity says “drinking water significantly elevates the resting energy expenditure (REE) in adults” and that “low water intake is associated with obesity and lesser success in weight reduction.”

To examine the effect of drinking water on the REE of overweight kids, 21 overweight but otherwise healthy children drank extra cold water and their metabolism was measured before and after ingestion for 66 min. Their metabolism experienced “an increase of up to 25% in REE following the drinking of 10 ml of cold water… lasting for over 40 min.”

Water Obese Kids

 To examine the effect of drinking water on the REE of overweight kids, 21 overweight but otherwise healthy children drank extra cold water and their metabolism was measured before and after ingestion for 66 minutes. Their metabolism experienced “an increase of up to 25% in REE following the drinking of 10 ml of cold water…lasting for over 40 minutes.


2 Glasses 3 Times A Day 

 In a study on 50 overweight girls, the effect of drinking 1,500 ml of water, over and above the participant’s daily water intake, on body weight, body mass index (BMI) and body composition was assessed.
This study was conducted for eight weeks, during which the girls were instructed to drink 500 ml of water, three times a day, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner, which was above their daily water intake.

 10 Pounds Lost To Water

 With the only change in their diets being additional water, the girls drinking the water dropped 9.78 pounds compared to less than one pound in the control group. The weight loss “results were highly significant statistically.” The girls lost body weight, BMI and had improved body composition scores.

 Cold Water Effect 

It would seem colder water would have an even greater effect. About 40% of the metabolic effect originated from the body warming the water from 71 to 98 °F.

Forget the Apple—Walk Your Dog Each Day to Keep the Doctor Away !

Forget the Apple


By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, May 6, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Walking the dog may be a health boon for older Americans, new research suggests.
Dog walking helps cut back on excess weight and the overall need to visit a physician while raising overall moderate and vigorous exercise levels among the over-60 set, investigators found.
And the strong emotional bonds formed between owner and pet offer social benefits, encouraging increased contact with other pet owners.
“There is a wealth of evidence that walking is beneficial for people’s physical health,” said study lead author Angela Curl. She is an assistant professor in the department of family studies and social work at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio.

“[And] what makes dog walking unique is the relationship between people and their dogs, as well as the ways dogs can motivate walking behavior,” she added. “Other studies have shown dogs’ needs provide a motivation to get out and walk. Our findings illustrate that the emotional bond people have with their dogs may play an important role in getting out to walk.”
Curl and her colleagues discussed their work in a recent issue of The Gerontologist.
The authors noted that in 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that all adults, regardless of age, rack up a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity every week.
Walking happens to be the most frequent exercise activity among adults 60 and up.
To explore the impact of dog ownership on that, the investigating team analyzed data involving a nationally representative sample of 771 men and women (50 years old and up) collected in 2012 by the Health and Retirement Study. That investigation was conducted at the University of Michigan, with funding from the U.S. National Institute on Aging.
Just over a third of the participants (271) owned at least one dog. Pet ownership involving other types of animals was not considered.
A portion of the dog owners group was asked questions to gauge pet “bonding,” including whether they considered their dog a friend, and whether they talked about their dog with others.
Frequency and overall time spent walking was also assessed, as were overall walking habits, walking speed and total distance walked per week.
The result: While owning a dog was not directly associated with having better overall health among those 60 and up, it was associated with a lower body mass index (a measure of weight and obesity status); fewer physical limitations; less frequent visits to a doctor; and more routine exercise. The study didn’t prove a cause-and-effect relationship, however.
But would owning other types of pets also pay a health dividend?
“Other research studies have found that cats and dogs can help reduce loneliness as well as improve health outcomes such as cortisol [stress hormone] levels, cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure,” said Curl. “However, we need a lot more research about the potential health benefits of other species of pets, and who might benefit the most [or] least from pet ownership.”
Daniel Promislow, an American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) spokesperson, and director of the Canine Longevity Consortium at the University of Washington in Seattle, heralded the special benefits of dog ownership.

“On average, dog owners walk more,” he said, “and score better on stress tests and other measures of psychological well-being. There is even some suggestion in the scientific literature that owning a dog is associated with a lower risk of various diseases [perhaps from that extra exercise], and faster recovery times when disease does occur.
“So it would seem that for people in their later years, there are a variety of benefits that come from having a companion dog,” Promislow said.
Dr. Alice Pomidor, a geriatrics professor at Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee, noted that in general, “pet ownership can lead to increased physical activity, as well as a greater sense of feeling connected to your community and to other pet owners.
“For many older adults, pets are also a great source of comfort after close friends, relatives or partners have passed away,” she added. “Hospice and long-term care facilities often have pets for comfort, support and recreation.”